WEEK 6: To Study How Photovoltaic process.
1) To know how the system of photovoltaic.
2) To study how the photovoltaic can convert the Sun light into electricity.
1) Searching the info in the internet about the photovoltaic process.
2) Ask my supervisor about the photovoltaic.
3) Watch in youtube how the system of photovoltaic flow.
1)A photovoltaic system converts the sun's radiation into usable electricity. It comprises the solar array and the balance of system components. PV systems can be categorized by various aspects, such as, grid-connected vs. stand alone systems, building-integrated vs. rack-mounted systems, residential vs. utility systems, distributed vs. centralized systems, rooftop vs. ground-mounted systems, tracking vs. fixed-tilt systems, and new constructed vs. retrofitted systems. Other distinctions may include, systems with microinverters vs. central inverter, systems using crystalline silicon vs. thin-film technology.
2)Grid connected system is connected to a larger independent grid (typically the public electricity grid) and feeds energy directly into the grid. This energy may be shared by a residential or commercial building before or after the revenue measurement point. The difference being whether the credited energy production is calculated independently of the customer's energy consumption (feed-in tariff) or only on the difference of energy (net metering). Grid connected systems vary in size from residential (2–10 kWp) to solar power stations (up to 10s of MWp). This is a form of decentralized electricity generation. The feeding of electricity into the grid requires the transformation of DC into AC by a special, synchronising grid-tie inverter.
1)The photovoltaic had many system such as Grid connection system, stand alone system and etc. there have their own specialities. Others system will be updated in next week.
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